Attracting Butterflies to your Garden
2007.Paperback, 24cm x 16.5cm. Over 270 colour photos.
Attracting butterflies to your garden – What to Grow and Conserve in the Adelaide Region.
However, many of the butterflies occur in Victoria, Western Australia
and New South Wales.
It shows how to
encourage forty or more common butterflies to visit and breed in your
own garden. It describes the specimens in full colour including their
food and nectar plants.
Photos of the caterpillars as well as the butterflies are shown
Skippers, Swallowtails, White/Yellows, Brushfoots and Blues/Coppers.
Plants are divided by Trees and Mistletoes, Shrubs, Ground Covers and
Grasses/Sedges with specific information on larval food, plants,
propagation and habitat.