Insects that Feed on Trees and Shrubs
1991, 2nd revised edition, hardback, 560 pages, 305 x 235mm. 241 colour plates, 46 half-tones, 63 line drawings, 18 tables.
This comprehensive handbook, acclaimed when it was first published in 1976 as one of the most useful reference manuals on diagnostic entomology yet produced,
has now been completely revised and expanded to reflect recent advances in technology and the wealth of new information affecting the “Green Industry.”
Augmented by 241 full-colour plates, it gives the essential facts about more than 900 species of insects, mites, and other animals that injure woody ornamental plants in the United States and Canada, and provides means of quick visual identification of both the pests and the damage they cause. There is also an Australian connection with the specimens
and plants involved.
This volume covers arthropod pests, providing essential information about most of the common and important insects, mites and other animals (birds, mammals, slugs and snails) that can damage trees and shrubs. It is aimed at horticultural advisers, students, nurserymen, arborists, gardeners, scientist and others having direct or peripheral responsibility for the maintenance of trees and shrubs.
The book is arranged in 3 sections: pests that feed on conifers; pests that feed on broad-leaved trees and shrubs; and miscellaneous pests. For each pest or group of pests, information is given on biology, damage and
distribution. Colour photographs are provided of the pests and the damage they cause. Indexes are provided to the pest organisms and to insects under their host plants, and a glossary of specialized terms is included.
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