Since launching the new AES website a few months ago, we have been busy adding a whole range of new entomological products. We thought we’d highlight some of the newest and most exciting products we now stock. Here are a few of the new nets and dippers we supply!
Collapsible Compact Stealth Aerial Net (EDH1A-38)
This new collapsible net is perfect for travel or field situations where discretion is important! Sturdy and compact, this aerial net is easily collapsed and dismantled. Good for travel and discreet/stealthy collecting. It features a twist lock collapsible handle, 46 cm long when collapsed (as pictured above), 102cm long when extended; this handle can be locked in any position. 38cm collapsible hoop and net, approx. 14cm diameter when collapsed.
Super Heavy-Duty Aquatic Net (EANET2)
This aquatic dip net is by far the most hard-wearing, heavy-duty net we have ever produced. It will withstand constant use and misuse in the field. It features a triangular dip hoop, 30 x 30 x 30cm; the opening is made from SOLID 12mm aluminium bar. The handle is 119cm long, 25mm diameter x 1.6mm wall thickness aluminium. The net is made from 250micron Nitex mesh and band is made from 7oz Dacron tape. There is a second layer of tape stitched over to take the brunt of wear and tear. One continuous seam of Velcro holds the net onto the hoop.
Mosquito Larvae Dipper with Telescopic Aluminium Pole (E920TELE)
The E920TELE telescopic mosquito larvae dipper is great for catching specimens across a range of field conditions. The telescopic aluminium pole extends from 70 to 170cm, and can be locked at any length. The dipper cup is made from high quality plastic, is 125mm in diameter and has graduated measurements. It’s compact and lightweight, making it ideal for travel situations.